Reports stated that modi said “I bow my head before the 130 crore citizens of india. The national elections of 2019 are a historical event. The highest turnout in any election in the country was seen this time. I'd like to thank the Election Commission and the security forces and everyone else who helped conduct a free and fair election”. Reportedly after five years of service, we went to the people of india with a promise of a new india and this is the biggest democratic event in the whole world. When Lord krishna was asked who he represents, he replied, I stand for no one person or people, I stand for Hastinapur. So if today someone has won, it is india that has won. If someone is victorious in this celebration of democracy, it is the people. And hence, I place this victory at the feet of the people of india.
Furthermore he want to wish the best to all those who were elected today to parliament, and sincerely hope that everyone in parliament will work together for the betterment of the country and to take the country forward and there were many state elections too and I want to congratulate those who have been elected in the respective states. I salute them and the federal structure of india. I assure them all that we will work together as a team. The centre will cooperate and work with states every step of the way.
He added “BJP is a special party. Nothing stops us, nothing holds us back. We work tirelessly and stay focused. In fact, there was a time when we were even down to two seats, even when we were down to two, we never gave up. We never went off track. We kept our focus and worked very hard. And today, we all are here and you all can see that is our story. That is what is special about the BJP”.