Reportedly actor Rajinikanth’s meeting with the district secretaries of the Rajini Makkal Mandram (RMM) went off well except for one aspect on which he is not personally satisfied, the actor turned politician said on Thursday. He was speaking to the reporters in chennai after the meeting which was being held after a gap of one year. He told reporters we shared a lot today. The secretaries are satisfied. But in one aspect, I am not satisfied, I am disappointed. I don’t want to tell that now, I will tell that at the appropriate time.


Meanwhile when reporters asked him about his recent meeting with the leaders of tamilnadu Jamathul Ulama Sabai (TNJUS), rajinikanth said he had suggested that they meet home minister amit shah and discuss the issue. He added they emphasised on brotherhood, love, peace and state of the country. They asked for my support to maintain all this and I assured them of my support. I told them to analyse the changes in the citizenship amendment act (CAA), National Register of Citizens (NRC0 and National population Register (NPR) and get an appointment with union home minister amit shah and the prime minister and discuss with them. I told them I will stand by them and help them in whatever way I can to do this.


Moreover he also said that time will answer if he would team up politically with his contemporary and the Chief of Makkal Needhi Maiam (MNM) Kamal Hassan. Apparently the star had previously supported the caa, stating that he would stand by the muslims and support them in case they are harmed due to the Act.

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