According to sources it was stated that film star turned politician pawan kalyan has urged the YS jagan led andhra pradesh government to institute an Emergency Fund to bailout all the small-time workers who lost their livelihood during the lockdown amidst the coronavirus pandemic. The janasena party chief demanded the government to pay Rs 5,000 each to those who have been left without employment.



Pawan kalyan said "Lakhs of people are suffering after they lost their livelihood in andhra pradesh following the lockdown. Since the situation is going worse, the state government must take immediate relief measures for these people,” pawan said. Furthermore he pointed out that lakhs of building workers, daily wagers, hamalis, barbers, washermen, carpenters, handloom workers, auto and taxi drivers, bike mechanics and electricians, hawkers and pushcart tiffin vendors were left with no work during this period. 



Moreover Pawan went on to say that the karnataka government has set up an Emergency Fund with Rs 1,610 crores to help the above sections. He also requested the government to bail out people who are running small businesses and micro industries by providing subsidies on electricity bills for a few months and also give exemptions from property and professional taxes.

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