Reportedly after fifth lockdown, the number of cases in tamilnadu continues to rise sharply. While 1162 cases were recorded across the state, 548 cases were reported in chennai alone. With this, the city has a total of 11,131 cases. On monday, 93 cases were of passengers who had returned from other states. This included 87 from maharashtra, three from gujarat, two from kerala and one from Andhra Pradesh. tamil Nadu recorded seven deaths, taking the total number of deaths in the state to 118.
The people who died include a 33-year-old male from chennai who was admitted on May 23 at 7.50 am to the government Royapettah hospital. He died on May 24 and his results arrived only after his death. According to the bulletin from the health and Family Welfare Department, he did not have any comorbidities. Another shocking death is that of a 55-year-old male who was admitted to the Rajiv gandhi government General Hospital (RGGGH) on May 22. He died on May 25, a day after he tested positive. The reasons given for his death include cardiopulmonary arrest/ COVID positive pneumonia/ self inflicted cut throat injury.
As far as number of cases go, Chengalpattu comes second after chennai with a total of 832 cases, Thiruvallur with 764 cases and Cuddalore with 427 cases comes third. health minister Vijayabaskar further offered statistics based on the cases so far. He said in a press conference on monday that 88% of cases so far are asymptomatic and 12% are symptomatic. Of these, 40% of the cases saw patients with fever, 37% with cough, 10% with throat pain, 9% with breathlessness and 4% with a running nose.