As we all know by now, Serbian actress Natasa Stankovic and her fiance cricketer hardik pandya are expecting their first child together. The actress recently shared a photo flaunting her baby bump on instagram, which looks to be from her baby shower. Natasa looks ravishing in a lush green dress as she poses with Pandya, who can be seen dressed in an all-black outfit. She captioned the image with a globe and heart emoji. hardik pandya and Natas Stankovic had been dating for a while but the couple made it official by announcing their engagement on social media on New Year's Day 2020. Pandya's last appearance for team india was during the T20I vs south africa in 2019.


Natasa made her bollywood debut with a dance number in the 2013 film Satyagraha and was later seen in films like Action Jackson (2014) and Fukrey Returns (2017). She even appeared in season eight of Bigg Boss. Moreover zareen khan took everyone by surprise with her performances in several films like Veer, Housefull 2, aksar 2, 1921, and a few others. Now, the actress seems to have taken a different route with her next film release. Her next film, Hum Bhi Akele Tum Bhi Akele, zareen khan has taken a humane approach, in which she will be playing a homosexual character.


The movie is a beautiful story of two individuals Veer and Mansi, who are both homosexual and who are on a road trip, aims to challenge the social prejudices and the stigma attached to homosexuality in India. While several mainstream actors both male and female have shied away from playing homosexual characters in films, Zareen has taken it upon herself to shed light on the issue.

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