According to sources bollywood actor sushant singh Rajput’s last rites were performed at the Vile Parle crematorium on Monday. Sushant's father and his family members arrived from patna to mumbai on monday afternoon and performed his last rites. Meanwhile Rajput 34, was found hanging in his apartment on sunday, sending shockwaves rippling through bollywood and elsewhere. No suicide note was found. Meanwhile amid heavy rain, several bollywood celebrities came to participate in his funeral. His chhichhore co-stars shraddha kapoor and varun sharma, Raabta co-star Kriti Sanon, dil Bechara director mukesh chhabra, Sushant’s kedarnath and Kai Po Che director abhishek kapoor, who came with his wife, Pragya came to attend his funeral.
Other actors at the funeral are rajkummar rao, Sushant’s Sonchiriya co-star ranvir shorey, vivek oberoi, producer Dinesh Vijan and actor-producer Jaccky Bhagnani. Neeraj Singh Bablu, a bjp mla who is also a cousin accompanied the bereaved father to the western metropolis and responded to queries from journalists before boarding the flight. Bablu said "We wanted to conduct the last rites here, but in view of the coronavirus outbreak, it may not be feasible. Hence, the rituals may be performed in Mumbai. "We are shattered. He was so young and full of life, inspired others to realise their potential".
Earlier in the day, his rumoured girlfriend rhea chakraborty visited Cooper Hospital where the body of Sushant was kept for post-mortem, on monday morning. police said she will be questioned in connection with the suicide. “The provisional cause of death is asphyxia due to hanging,” abhishek Trimukhe, Deputy Commissioner of police (DCP), told a news agency. He will be remembered for films like "Kai Po Che!", "MS Dhoni: The Untold Story", "Chhichhore", among others.