The brutal police attacks in Sathankulam, Thoothukudi causing the deaths of two innocents Jayaraj and Fennix has turned into a national issue, and police brutalities are getting exposed with evidence.


Other than the CCTV footage now a three-page report was submitted by Kovilpatti Magistrate MS Bharathidasan to the Registrar of the madras high court, with a statement of woman police officer revathi from Sathankulam station who revealed the brutality which happened on june 19 and is now an eyewitness in the case.


Top celebrities have been supporting revathi and the magistrate, and now director vetrimaaran has tweeted "Honourable judges P. N. Prakash, P. Pugazhendhi, magistrate Bharathidasan, courageous revathi, you’ve given us hope. We stand by you." supporting them. The director who tweets rarely last tweeted in 2018. The director who kept quiet for a long period has now supported revathi and the tweet has gone viral on social media.


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