sushant singh Rajput's family has launched an app, Nepometer, to rate nepotism in a film. The late actor's brother-in-law vishal kirti messaged sushant singh Rajput's family has launched an app, Nepometer, to rate nepotism in a film. The late actor's brother-in-law vishal kirti messaged that it was created by his brother Mayuresh Krishna. "We're still grieving. Our focus now is to take care of each other. I shared my brother's idea of Nepometer because it enables people to make informed choices. It's a small tribute to Sushant." 


Meanwhile kirti added that the purpose of the app is not to earn a profit. The first film rated on the Nepometer was Sadak 2. It was found to be 98 per cent nepotistic as it is produced by mukesh bhatt, directed by brother mahesh and stars his daughters, pooja and Alia. Co-stars sanjay dutt and aditya roy kapur also scored high on the meter as Dutt is the son of actors sunil and nargis Dutt, and Aditya's brother is producer siddharth Roy Kapur.


On the other hand, filmmaker milap zaveri has slammed the Nepometer app. He says that it is "absolutely ridiculous" to rate how many cast and crew members have industry connections. The marjaavaan (2019) director expressed his anger on social media. Referring to Sadak 2, he wrote that the stars and makers of the film have given bonafide blockbusters because of their talent and the love of audiences. "The nepotism debate is a joke," he added.

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