The entire Nation is battling against the Second Wave of corona virus and the number of positive cases has already crossed 3.5 Lakhs each day. The death toll also increased and the alarming situation has created a panic among the government as well as the people. In this case, a Union Meeting is happening today and it will be chaired by PM Modi. 

Health minister Harshavarthan, Central Ministers amit shah, rajnath singh, Nirmala Sitaraman will attend this meeting. In this meeting, several decisions are expected to be taken by the Government. Among them, a mini Lockdown is expected Nationwide. Just like during the first wave all essential travel services will be suspended and E-Pass will be mandatory to travel between the districts and states. 

This meeting will also discuss the oxygen shortage which is prevailing in several hospitals and also about vaccine import from other countries. Already several countries have stepped up to help india and they have offered help to provide oxygen and Vaccination. This Union meeting is expected to take some stern decisions too. Already several states have imposed a lockdown for two weeks as the situation is out of control.

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