The Vote Counting for tamil Nadu assembly elections begins today morning and DMK has taken a solid lead in the postal votes counting. So far, DMK leads in 17 and ADMK leads in 4 constituencies. MK stalin leads in his Kolathur constituency and Edappadi Palanisamy leads in his Edappadi constituency. Thoothukudi DMK member geetha Jeevan leads in the Thoothukudi constituency. stalin -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>udhayanidhi stalin leads in the chepauk constituency.

The Pre-Poll and Exit Poll results predicted DMK's win in the Kongu belt. But ADMK has shattered all those and now again ADMK has shown its muscle once again. The vote counting has begun 3 hours back and DMK is likely to win the elections with a lead in 142 constituencies. ADMK leads in 91 constituencies. However, as lots of counting is left, this might change around in the coming time ahead.

The exit polls predicted ADMK would win just 20 seats and DMK would win upto 35 seats. But so far, out of 54 constituencies in the Kongu Belt, ADMK leads in 30 constituencies and DMK is trailing behind in most of the places. ADMK has shown its muscle once again in the Kongu belt area. ADMK has a huge lead in tRasipuram, Sethamangalam, Paramathi Velur, Edappadi, Thondamuthur, Kumarapalayam, Tharapuram, Perundurai, pollachi, Tirupur areas.

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