After a long struggle, tamil Nadu police finally found the hideout place of former ADMK IT minister Manikandan and he was thrown behind the bars and he was arrested under 5 IPC sections. Actress Chandini created a huge storm in tamil Nadu politics by making lots of allegations on the former IT minister and she even showed proofs of their chats and their selfies together. 

She also made a shocking fact that she aborted three times due to that ADMK Minister. The police who made the investigation asked the magistrate not to grant anticipatory bail for the minister as it would be hard for them to arrest. So, his anticipatory bail plea also got rejected and he was in a hideout. police were tracking him for the past few days and finally, he was arrested from Bengaluru. 

A separate team squad rushed all the way to Bengaluru and he was handcuffed and brought to tamil Nadu. He was taken to Saidapet court and the magistrate ordered him to be under police custody until July 2, 2021, and he was kept in Saidapet Jail immediately. His release might be decided only after July 2nd and that also depends on his co-operation in the enquiry session.

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