In light of the monsoon issues, TMK leader GK Vasan has emphasized the importance of extending the crop insurance deadline. government of tamil Nadu - november 15 is the last date for farmers to insure their crops, says GK Vasan in a statement released today. The tamil Nadu government should issue a notice extending the crop insurance period for tamil Nadu farmers. The deadline to ensure rabi season crops under the crop insurance system for this season is november 15.

Farmers who insure mustard, black gramme, and samba paddy before november 15 will benefit. The current monsoon and severe rains have harmed agriculture, and farmers have suffered financially as a result of large losses. Farmers are also finding it difficult to meet with the local administration officer about crop insurance during this rainy season.

In light of this, the tamil Nadu Agriculture Department has stated that paddy grown by farmers who are not covered by the crop insurance scheme must be insured by november 15, 2021. In the current setting, the tamil Nadu government's announcement will be unfavourable to farmers. The tamil Nadu government should take action to assist the farmers who have been hardest hit by the recent severe rains. As a result, the tamil Nadu government should extend the deadline for farmers to get crop insurance to november 30, taking into account the difficulty of the rainy season, as november 15 is the current deadline.

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