A teenager was caught for filming restricted shrines in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, at night and uploading the footage on YouTube. Vrindavan is a Hindu sanctuary in the Uttar Pradesh city of Mathura. Nithivan raj is the most prominent location in this area. It's a word for basil. Krishna, Radha, and the Gopis are said to have liked playing here. The Puranas have references to this as well. Rasalilah is also said to have taken place every night in the Nithivan raj area, when krishna and the Gopis would play together. As a result, only members of the public are permitted to enter the area.

It was recently discovered that someone entered the restricted Nithiwan raj area in Vrindavan at night without permission. The guy who secretly entered the Tulsi forest, videotaped it, and uploaded it on YouTube has now been apprehended. Last week, Kaurav Sharma entered the Nitin raj region of Vrindavan, a Hindu holy location, and filmed it, according to Mathurand Superintendent of police Marthand Prakash Singh.

He uploaded the video to his YouTube account, Gauravzone, on november 9. Gaurav Sharma, the CEO of YouTube, was arrested by police at his residence in delhi on sunday for accessing a restricted area and taping it. Sharma admitted to recording the video with his cousin prashant and pals Mohit and abhishek on the night of november 6 during interrogation. Kaur Sharma is currently being held in custody by the court. Efforts are underway to assist in the capture of his colleagues for the purpose of recording this video. After abbots and priests challenged the filming of a film at the temple, Sharma withdrew the movie from his YouTube channel.

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