Before PM Modi, Samajwadi party inaugurated Purvanchal Expressway, shared pictures on Twitter. But there was someone who inaugurated Purvanchal Expressway before Modi...?
Samajwadi party workers inaugurated the expressway to the public by offering flowers and cycling on the expressway. Now, whose Expressway is Purvanchal...? BJP's or SP's...?
PM Modi inaugurated the Purvanchal Expressway today. This is a NEWS!!! Akhilesh Yadav has been describing the expressway as an achievement of his government. This is interesting NEWS...!
PM narendra Modi's inauguration announcement of Purvanchal has sparked off verbal combat between the bjp and Samajwadi party, with both parties fighting to claim laurels just before the elections.
SP president akhilesh yadav has been describing the expressway as an achievement of his government. Apart from this, the Samajwadi party also inaugurated it by cutting the ribbon on the expressway and wrote that it will accelerate the progress of Purvanchal.
Yadav claims that the roads are not made of good quality bitumen and to cut down the waste, rubbers and waste products have been used.
He also blames out loud that this Purvanchal project began in his period, and the bjp has completed it.
On top of it, whoever travels here on this Expressway, is likely to get severe body ache for sure...!
Claims are accusations are a part of an event... But these accusations should be proved by Yadav to save himself from the upcoming elections.