The tamil Nadu Dairy Workers' Union has requested that the government designate dairy agents as frontline workers during the corona and monsoon seasons. They have written a letter to cm Stalin requesting him to give due attention. Their letter reads, "Heavy rain?, Flood?, red Alert...? Or even a disease like Corona...? Dairy agents are people who are concerned about the public's unlimited access to milk and who labor hard regardless of their health.

However, the AIADMK administration has entirely neglected our work as milk brokers engaged in service-oriented milk distribution throughout tamil Nadu for the past decade, and we have not received a penny. Stalin, the present chief minister of tamil Nadu, should make an effort to recognize our valid long-standing aspirations as milk agents who are happy with the people's jobs.

When the purchase price of milk is not accessible or the purchase is denied at private milk companies, milk producers have tried to pour milk on the roadways to register their protest and defend their livelihood. But all they know is that the public service operates on the Maceson service throughout the year, with the only aim of giving unlimited milk to the public in all circumstances, whether private or private."

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