Taliban ordered women to wear a burqa....

When the Taliban took power in afghanistan a year ago, it claimed a new complexion and a reformist stance. However, in the last one year, nothing like this has been seen in the thinking and governance of the Taliban. The Taliban has once again started showing its true colors. Now a new decree has come out regarding the clothes of women. Under the new order, women will always have to wear a burqa in public places.

It is mandatory for women to wear burqa

A new rule has been implemented on saturday in which the supreme leader of the Taliban has ordered women to wear the burqa in public. From which it has become clear that there has been no change in the basic character of the Taliban.

A decree issued for men also

The Taliban have implemented a dress code and other rules for men as well as women. Recently, an order has been issued by the Taliban that men working in the job will have to wear a cap on the head, beard and paint above the ankle. Apart from this, there has also been a complete ban on the living together of women and men in public places.

Taliban has imposed many restrictions

The Taliban have imposed many restrictions on women's clothing and education. Co-ed education has been completely stopped. Also, a few days ago, girls' schools, which were opened after a year, have also been closed.

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