A Telangana-born indian Administrative service (IAS) officer who had been assigned to the odisha cadre has now arrived in andhra pradesh to work for the Y S jagan Mohan reddy administration. Pedditi Dhatri reddy was chosen for the IAS in 2020 and given the odisha cadre. She comes from the hamlet of Gundlabavi in the Chouttuppal mandal of the yadadri Bhongir district. Dhatri reddy recently decided to join the andhra pradesh cadre on the grounds that she had recently wed Kommi Pratap shiva Kishore, an IPS officer from the Andhra cadre and a member of the 2019 class.

She made a plea to the andhra pradesh and odisha state governments in addition to the federal government. Her appeal was granted and she was shifted to the Andhra cadre on thursday as a result of an agreement between the two state governments and the Union ministry of people and training. @DhatriReddyP, welcome home. Thank you for accepting the andhra pradesh cadre transfer, her spouse wrote on Friday.

Dhatri reddy responded to his tweet by declaring: "Now formally borne to andhra pradesh Cadre. I will always be grateful to odisha and the many seniors who served as my mentors and sources of support there. shiva Kishore and Dhatri reddy had actually been classmates at the indian Institute of technology in Kharagpur. In 2019, they were both chosen to join the indian Police Service. shiva Kishore, a native of atmakur in the nellore district, preferred to continue serving as an IPS officer in the Andhra cadre, but Dhatri retook the Civil services exam and received a 46th-place finish in 2020. Although in the odisha cadre, she was chosen for the IAS.

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