Why are you shouting like that, Anil!
Nellore Anil recharged again. Isn't it a great privilege that he speaks in his own style in politics? Now continuing it and saying that he is a recharged politician, he vowed to continue the fight. He said without saying that he would follow Jagananna and fight against the opponent. It's good.. why shout at these old words.. and swing with rage! Observers are questioning why the opposition is insulted.
Anil spoke at the ycp plenary yesterday. He said that he does not have frustration even if he does not have a position. He also said that Jagananna is in his heart. Moreover, this ex-minister gave another great statement that positions are not important to him and warmed up all the people in the hall.
Why? Did anyone say that the plenary will be a hit only by insulting the opposing parties? Did anyone say that if Jaganna Kannera wins, all the rival parties will be lost? Why do they humiliate themselves by cursing the opposing parties? These are the questions being heard from the analysts.
We have nothing to do with the police. Anil said that if Jagananna just says one word, we will make the opposition party leaders without any address. He also said that his government will come again in the state. All this is good.. When he had so much confidence, couldn't nellore say the four or four good things he did? Did you say all this just to praise jagan without saying anything? Or is he acting according to Jagan's strategy and showing loyalty?
What words were used to insult the opposition leaders. At all tdp leader Chandrababu said that there are no days. At one stage they were shaking with rage. He said that he could not refrain from speaking as long as he did not have a position. He also said that we are stopping because of the culture taught to us by our leader. What is the meaning of culture sir..can you tell me once? That is what the leaders of the Yellow party are asking. Anil also said unkind words about the young leader Lokesh..
Let's assume this is also a political strategy.. Like their leader jagan, they have targeted other media including Enadu. Let's assume this is also a strategy.. How do you think that the political mileage will increase after doing all this, the opposition says.