The National General Secretary of tdp said that ap cm YS Jaganmohan Reddy's hasty decision on the Flex printing industry, which has suffered severe damage due to the Corona crisis, is a palm tree falling on a barking fox. nara lokesh was furious. Without prior planning, at least one concerned department official nara lokesh has written a letter to cm Jaganmohan reddy saying that the future of around 7 lakh people who depend on this sector has become questionable after announcing that they are banning the plastic flex industry in the meeting held at Visakhapatnam without even arranging a meeting.
How many units are there in the state? How many people are dependent on this sector? Flex printing without thinking, advanced information, and alternative arrangements by the government In a letter, nara lokesh asked jagan MOHAN REDDY' target='_blank' title='ys jagan mohan reddy-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>ys jagan mohan reddy how he can take a hasty decision on the industry. G.O. without any discussion with the concerned industry. Expressed anger that No: 65 was brought. lokesh said that since the government has announced that it will implement the ban from november 1 by imposing strict restrictions and fines, millions of people who believed in this sector will fall on the road. people who depend on the flexi printing industry are holding peaceful rallies across the state saying that they are losing their livelihood due to the decision taken by the government. district nara lokesh expressed his grief that there was no result in explaining the problem to the Collectors, Ministers and Legislators, and if they wanted to share their grievances with the chief minister, at least they could not get an appointment.
Apart from that, lokesh said that it was a little surprising that the CM's love for the environment was fading. nara lokesh lamented that on one hand the cm is seriously damaging the environment by encouraging sand, mud and mining mafias and YSP leaders have turned the green Rushi hill into a Bodi hill in Visakhapatnam. Expressed In a letter to the cm, nara lokesh stated that the speed shown in imposing a ban on the flex industry would be good for the environment if it is shown in stopping the sand, mud and mining mafia running in the valleys of the YCP.
Meanwhile, lokesh reminded us that there are approximately 1500 flex printing units across the state, all of them have invested approximately 10 to 30 lakh rupees, some have taken loans from banks and some have taken loans to set up these units. At a time when it is becoming difficult to pay the monthly EMIs, your decision is irreparable lokesh said it was damaged. nara lokesh demanded that the government should set up a committee in coordination with the relevant departments to study their problems and suggest alternative arrangements given the severe crisis that the flex printing industry is currently facing.