ISRO will test its Reusable Launch Vehicle...
The indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has made complete preparations to test its ambitious Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV-TD). According to somnath isro Chairman, the landing test of RLV-TD is going to be done on Saturday. If this test is successful, india will become such a superpower, which, like hollywood movies, will be able to send its soldiers to the sky by sitting in the spacecraft and from there they will be able to land safely back on the earth. This will also reduce the cost of India's space missions manifold, for which now a new rocket has to be prepared every time.
First, let's know what is RLV-TD's mission
In fact, till now rockets are used to launch any satellite, which proves to be very expensive. RLV-TD is an aircraft-like space shuttle, which works in two stages. In its first stage, the rocket fitted under the shuttle will take it to the sky along with the satellite. After this, this rocket will separate there and the space shuttle will drive the satellite like an aircraft and set it in its orbit. Then this space shuttle will land back on the ground just like an aircraft.
Although it will be unmanned, that is, the control of its steering will be in the hands of the pilot sitting in the control room like a drone aircraft or UAV, but after being operational, it will be able to take humans into space as well. After landing, it can be used again for the next mission with light maintenance. This satellite is completely indigenous, that is, from the technology used in it to the parts used in it, everything has been developed and made in india only.