To avoid bank ATM robberies, DGP Shailendra Babu recommended the bank officials to connect the ATM alarm with the closest police station. An active manhunt is being conducted to find individuals responsible for the theft of money from four ATMs in the Tiruvannamalai area. The police are committed to stopping such situations from occurring in the future in this circumstance.

Following that, yesterday in tamil Nadu, DGP Shailendra Babu met with representatives of major banks. General Managers and Security Officers from 51 companies attended the meeting held at the DGP office. The DGP provided the bank employees several directions in it, telling them to put them into practise right now. Covert cameras should be put to keep an eye on the cash in ATM and bank locations. All ATMs ought to have cameras with facial recognition software installed. 

When ATMs malfunction, plans should be established to sound alarms at the bank and any adjacent police stations. ATM locations should be outfitted with high-tech surveillance cameras so that criminals' faces can be seen clearly. The DGP added that hidden cameras have to be set up as well. Officials from the bank have agreed to put these into effect right away.

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