Even after 2 years of completion of land acquisition, Sivagangai Chipkat project is not operationalized, people are dissatisfied.

Sivaganga is an industrially underdeveloped and backward area. Following this, 9 years ago, the then chief minister Jayalalithaa announced that Chipgat industrial park would be set up at Aranaur near Sivaganga.

It was initially decided to acquire 1,451 acres of land for the Chipkot complex. But only a total of 775.79 acres of land was acquired due to various reasons. In this, 605.39 acres of land was acquired in Iluppaikudi revenue village, 62 acres in Kladhari revenue village and 108.40 acres in Arasanur revenue village.

The work was completed and the acquired lands were handed over to the Sipkot administration 2 years ago. The DMK government, which took over after that, announced in the last financial report of 2021 that Aranur Chipgat Industrial Estate would be started. But since then the project has not come into operation. Due to this the people of sivaganga area are dissatisfied.

Social activist Shanmugam said, “The Sivagangai area is being neglected continuously. At least the projects announced in the past such as Chipcott Industrial Estate should be allocated funds and implemented immediately. This is what he said.

According to the revenue department, it has been decided to build a road to unify the acquired lands for Chipkat and it has been sent to the government. The work will start as soon as the government announces. Thus they said.

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