More than 1,000 government and local Body Schools' students may look forward to starting the new academic year in a different setting. Thanks to the State government's Mana Ooru - Mana Badi / Mana Basti - Mana Badi effort, which is updating the facilities and other aspects of the government schools' infrastructure.
As part of the State's decennial celebrations, which are set to begin on june 2, more than 1,000 schools will be opened by the respective public representatives, up from the over 700 renovated schools under the project that were introduced in february of this year. In terms of teaching and infrastructure, these renovated schools will be on par with private and corporate schools.

The State government previously launched a programme to upgrade the infrastructure in 26,072 government and local body schools across 12 components in a staged manner. For the first phase, 9,123 schools were chosen for renovation, with a projected cost of Rs 3,497.62 crore. Toilets with running water, electricity, a drinking water supply, furniture, painting of all schools, green chalkboards, new classrooms in exchange of outdated ones, and dining halls in high schools are some of the components.

As part of its emphasis on wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital education, the government has given high schools access to 13,983 interactive flat screens that double as minicomputers. The interactive flat panels may be utilised for online interactive sessions with topic specialists in addition to serving as a standard blackboard for instruction and playing audio-video content. Additionally, 20,000 tablet PCs have been given to schools, which will be used to record student and instructor attendance as well as monitor kids' academic progress starting in the upcoming school year.

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