The Kalyana lakshmi plan, the brainchild of chief minister K Chandrashekhar Rao, has transformed the mentality of the community towards females, according to Energy minister G jagadish reddy on Wednesday. females are no longer considered as a burden on the family and are let to finish their education, he added.
When distributing the Kalyana lakshmi plan checks to recipients in Munagala, jagadish reddy stated that the programme has lessened the financial strain on families of girls because the cost of their marriage had previously been a significant obstacle. He cited a number of State government initiatives for the benefit of women to demonstrate how the welfare of women was given top priority by the State government. Now that there are better programmes and educational resources available for girls, no parent views their daughter as a burden. According to him, the State government built up special girls' and women's residential education facilities to ensure that girls from low-income households could also get high-quality instruction.

Through the CM's Relief Fund, the State government was also providing financial aid to people with a range of illnesses. In addition, government hospitals now have medical facilities that are on par with private hospitals. The rise in the number of in- and out-patients was a sign of the public's growing trust in government hospitals. mla Kodad Additionally present were Bollam Mallaiah Yadav and others.

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