A hyderabad traffic police officer received praise for helping a guy who slumped unexpectedly on the road near Puranapul on friday night. Shaik Mohd Shahbaz, a traffic officer at the Bahadurpura traffic police station, was directing traffic on the Puranapul Bridge when he saw a guy riding an Activa, about 30 years old, collapsed on the road.
"I sprang up and dragged the man to the side of the road. I gave him CPR since he was sweaty and unable to breathe. When he finally spoke, I handed him a bottle of water. After he had recovered, he went to the hospital in an auto rickshaw," remembers Shahbaz. On social media, a video of the traffic cop offering aid quickly gained popularity and praise from the public. "I fulfilled my obligation. We are using the fundamental medical skills that our senior commanders are teaching us to treat individuals, he added.

Similar appreciation was given to a traffic police officer in Rajendranagar limits on february 24 when he promptly intervened to save the life of a man who had suffered a heart attack, as well as from health Minister T Harish Rao. The CPR that police officer Rajashekar gave to a guy in this video is currently trending on social media. This video shows a police officer giving CPR to a man who is shown to be unconscious, according to a user going by the moniker surya Reddy. The local populace has also backed the policeman. The health minister and the Cyberabad traffic police were both credited in the video, and they both praised the constable's efforts to save the life of a regular guy.

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