According to minister for Animal Husbandry Talasani srinivas Yadav, the telangana government recently built new structures in hyderabad for 14 public libraries at a cost of Rs 9.50 crore. He stated, "Aside from providing books, the State government has also ensured that enough stock of study material related to preparations for competitive examinations is also available for aspirants," at the ceremony to lay the foundation stone of a public library in Jubilee Hills.
The minister and the neighborhood MLA, Maganti Gopinath, on Tuesday, laid the cornerstone for a new library in banjara hills that would be rebuilt for Rs 60 lakh. Due to the current wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital media channels, teenagers hardly ever visit libraries. The State government is working hard, though, to revitalize public libraries so that people would start going there more frequently, he said. Senior health officials including Padmaja, Prasanna, and other members of the hyderabad Grandhalaya Samstha were present.

The application procedure for 71 positions as librarians in intermediate education and technical education in the state has been launched by the telangana State Public service Commission (TSPSC). On, eligible candidates may submit their applications up until february 10 at 5 p.m. The remaining 31 positions are for librarians under the jurisdiction of the commissioner of technical education, while the remaining 40 postings are for librarians under the control of the commissioner of intermediate education.

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