Naam Tamilar party, which is active on social media, has been posting comments on its twitter pages. In this situation, the official twitter page of Naam Tamilar party chief coordinator Seeman has been disabled. On that page, it is stated that ``According to the legal request, Seaman's official account has been suspended in India.''

Likewise, the twitter accounts of the party's main executives like Idumbavanam Karthik, Bhakyarajan Sunanda and others have also been disabled. Shocked by this, Nam Tamilar party has been recording strong condemnations. Earlier, the chief coordinator of the tamil party, Seeman, had posted a post condemning the attack on the wrestlers. However, there is no information on the specific reason behind the twitter page being disabled.

The twitter pages of more than 20 people, including Naam Tamilar party chief coordinator Seeman and party executives Pakiyarasan and Idumbavanam Karthi, have been blocked at the same time. In tamil Nadu, the Seeman-led Naam Tamilar party has faced the Congress, bjp and DMK in the elections so far against the AIADMK. Seeman, the chief coordinator, coordinates various meetings and events promoting tamil nationalism.

Also, he was constantly raising his voice against the problems of the public, teachers, doctors etc. He also posted his comments on Twitter. Also, party-related announcements and reports were published on the twitter page.

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