A city resident's bmw became stuck on the Outer Ring Road (ORR) near Kokapet on Friday, costing him Rs 40 lakhs in repairs. A few days ago, auditor uday teja M was driving his bmw with his pregnant wife and driver when his vehicle became trapped in the moisture logged ORR service road. uday rushed to twitter to share his terrifying story, writing, "Stuck with a pregnant wife in the middle of the night waiting for towing services and an alternative vehicle was the most harrowing experience."

He also spent Rs. 40 lakhs to fix his bmw the following day due to the unfortunate event. uday criticised ORR's bad engineering practises by saying, "One small error by the engineering team cost me 40 lakhs and two more passers-by a lot more." He also questioned the success of the Strategic Nala Development Programme (SNDP), an initiative the state government had started to upgrade the city's drainage system. "On one rainy night, 12 BMWs and 8 Mercs became waterlogged, costing the people of hyderabad crores of money. Is this the purpose of the #SNDP? enquired Uday.

According to uday, engineers were to blame for the damage done to the vehicles at ORR since they neglected to install drain holes in the short parapet wall. This prevented precipitation from entering the Nala. "Building Nalas is excellent, but putting up a 1-foot-high wall to keep the water out of Nala is a masterpiece. Is there a remedy? uday enquired. One twitter user commented on the videos he posted, saying, "Unless victims like you file cases in Consumer courts for damages, Govt may not act upon such silly issues."

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