government doctors are the reason why we are a leading state!

The equal pay demand of tamilnadu government doctors is justified. While the doctors joining the Union and State Governments are paid the same salary of Rs.56,100, the State government doctors are paid Rs.45,000 less than the Union government doctors at the time of retirement. Velmurugan emphasized in a statement issued by tamil Nadu Life Rights party leader and Panruthi mla Velmurugan;- government doctors have long been demanding that government doctors in tamil Nadu should be paid on par with union government doctors. The equal pay demand of tamilnadu government doctors is justified. While the doctors joining the Union and State Governments are paid the same salary of Rs.56,100, the State government Doctors are paid Rs.45,000 less than the Union government Doctors at the time of retirement. They also get a promotion. As a result, a Union government Doctor in the 7th pay band gets Rs.1,23,000 as basic pay in the 14th year after completing 13 years. But in tamil Nadu, due to the denial of time-based pay increment, a union government doctor gets a pay rise after 4 years, our state government doctor gets a pay rise after 15 years, a pay rise after 9 years in a union, a pay rise after 13 years in a union, our state government doctor gets a pay rise after 13 years. The situation prevails even after 20 years. Because of this, while the Union government doctor gets Rs.1,23,00 as basic pay in 13 years, the tamil Nadu government doctor gets only Rs.86,000 as basic pay. That is, the reason for this salary discrepancy is that the union government doctors are given period-based pay increments and promotions at the end of 4, 9, 13, and 20 years respectively, and the tamil Nadu government doctors are given at the end of 8, 15, 17, 20 years. This injustice can be remedied by future clauses in Ordinance No. 354. However, it is disappointing that the tamil Nadu government has not come forward to fulfill this demand. The reason why tamil Nadu is the leading state in the medical field is because of the government doctors. A government must fulfill its demands. government doctors are confident that their demands will be fulfilled by the DMK regime. Therefore, the government of tamil Nadu should take steps to provide time-based salary increments to the tamil Nadu government Doctors in the 5th, 9th, 11th, and 12th years of their service. The wife of government doctor Vivekanandan, who died of Corona, should be given a government job with educational qualifications. Velmurugan said that the tamil Nadu Right to Life party is requesting the tamil Nadu government to withdraw the retaliatory measures taken against the struggling doctors by emphasizing their legitimate demands.

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