A sudden increase in security in the tamil Nadu government Secretariat! Another enforcement check?
Chennai: Security has been increased suddenly at the tamil Nadu government Chief Secretariat. While the enforcement department is conducting raids on tamil Nadu minister Ponmudi's houses, will raids also be conducted in his rooms in the tamil Nadu government Chief Secretariat? This increased security measure raises the question. The officials of the enforcement department are investigating from this morning whether there was any illegal exchange of money in the Semman Quarry case against minister Ponmudi from 11 years ago. This raid is being conducted at the homes and offices of minister Ponmudi, his son Gautama Chikamani mp and others. The officials of the enforcement department are conducting this test in many places including chennai and Villupuram from 7 am today. Recently, the minister was acquitted by Ponmudi court in 2 cases. In this situation, the fact that the Enforcement Department has suddenly taken the case of 11 years ago has created a stir in the politics of tamil Nadu. Recommended Video O.P.RAVEENDRANATH's victory is invalid why the high court said? - Jornalist Priyan In this case, additional security has been put in place at the tamil Nadu government Chief Secretariat. Will the enforcement department enter the rooms of minister Ponmudi and conduct a search? Doubt that this