Additional grant for temple development: minister Darshanapur..!?

Small industries and district In-charge minister Sharan Basappa Gowda Darsanapur assured that in the coming days, suitable funds will be provided for the development of temples of all communities in the constituency. Small industries and district In-charge minister Sharan Basappa Gowda Darsanapur assured that in the coming days, suitable funds will be provided for the development of temples of all communities in the constituency. Receiving the honor from Bhavasara kshatriya Samaj at Hingulambika temple in vidya Nagar, he said that he is committed to fulfilling the long-standing demand of the community. A grant of Rs.10 lakh has already been given to the community of Hingulambika temple in the city. According to the request of the community, another grant of Rs. 10 lakh will be provided for the development of the temple to carry out the pending works.

Block congress Taluka President Chandrasekhara Arabola, former City Planning Authority Chairman Gundappa Tumbagi, community leaders Gopalrao Bhasutkar, nagendra Bhasutkar, Tulajaram Bhasutkar, amar Mahendrakar, anand Mahendrakar, Chidananda Bhasutkar, suresh Bhasutkar were among others. many lakhs of money of about rs 10 lakhs have been given to the development of this grand temple for all the works.

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