In a strange event that occurred in Haryana's gurgaon, a woman by the name of Jyoti got into a furious argument with a cab driver when she refused to give him Rs 2,000 for a 12-hour journey. Journalist deepika Narayan Bhardwaj released recordings of the woman's altercations with the driver and the police in addition to tweeting about this strange incident. As the tale developed, it became clear that Jyoti had reportedly participated in similar behaviour with other cab drivers, threatening them with bogus molestation claims and using intimidation to avoid paying. This essay explores the alarming abuse of the law and how it affects those who are most vulnerable.

The event started at Huda City Centre gurgaon at 10 p.m. one night when Jyoti took a cab driven by Irshad. Irshad had no idea that this seemingly ordinary taxi journey would develop into a terrifying experience lasting more than 12 hours. The driver was in complete disbelief when Jyoti blatantly refused to pay the agreed-upon price of Rs 2,000 as morning dawned.

An unsettling pattern of behaviour was discovered after looking into Jyoti's history. She appears to have preyed on innocent cab drivers repeatedly in similar exploitative behaviours. She would accept their services and then make up lame justifications to not pay. She would use ominous threats of bringing harassment or molestation complaints against drivers when they insisted on getting paid what was rightfully theirs. The ugly underbelly of gender-based regulations intended to safeguard women was exposed via such misuse of the legal system to control and force people.

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