Former rajya sabha member Singapuram Rajeshwar Rao, according to Finance minister T Harish Rao, is an inspiration to the younger generation. In developing a plan for the telangana Separation movement, the former mp was crucial. He claimed that Rajeshwar Rao would be pleased with the progress being made in telangana if he were still alive.

On Monday, Harish Rao, TS Planning Board Vice-Chairman B Vinod Kumar, bc Welfare and Civil Supplies minister Gangula Kamalakar, and a monument of Rajeshwar Rao were all inaugurated at Singapur, a village outside of Huzurabad. The Finance minister said that Rajeshwar Rao used to publish newspaper articles outlining the necessity of a distinct telangana State.

He said that Rajeshwar Rao's family members had made sacrifices, including giving up ministerial positions, and that this had significantly strengthened the Statehood cause. Even though the former mp moved to Delhi, he never lost touch with his home hamlet of Singapur and its residents. He said that Rajeshwar Rao was revered and adored even by Naxalites. Rajeshwar Rao, according to Kamalakar, educated a number of students while treating their issues as his own. watch out this space for more updates.

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