The electricity grid has been synced with a solar power plant installed as a trial project at the recently finished khammam integrated district collectorate offices complex (IDOC). The solar power plant at khammam was the first new IDOC constructed in the State in recent years to be synced with the grid. The solar panels were mounted to the roofs of parking structures built at the IDOC for the staff and police vehicles.

District collector VP gautham turned on the 100 kW solar power plant at a ceremony on Monday, synchronising it with the grid. Speaking at the event, he said that the solar power plant could generate 400 to 500 kilowatt hours of electricity daily. The collector stated that the plant's generated electricity will be utilised to meet IDOC obligations and that any extra would be sent to the grid. Only for the net usage of electricity does it assist to pay the electric bill.

According to Gautham, the installation of the solar power plant would result in monthly electricity savings of between Rs 80,000 and Rs 1 lakh. By august 15, another 100 kilowatt power plant would be finished and operational, providing IDOC with a total of 800 to 1000 kilowatt hours of electricity each day. abhilasha Abhinav, another collector, radhika Gupta, the training assistant collector for Sri Associates, A Surender, Aruna, the collectorate AO, and others were there.

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