The major national parties have begun preparing for the next general elections, which are not too far away. The opposition forces have united under the moniker india, while the governing bjp is working to fortify the nda family. In a recent poll study by ABP media in collaboration with C Voter, it is found that the population continues to support Modi.

When asked to choose the future prime minister of india, the public chose Modi 57% of the time, while rahul gandhi received just 18% of the vote. After learning about the poll findings, Rahul's standing seemed to have decreased even further. While 17% think the india coalition can beat the nda, 68% do not. 13% are uncertain.

Additionally, Modi received 47% of the vote to win the title of best indian prime minister since independence, with Vajpayi coming in second with 16% of the vote. These figures unequivocally suggest that the nda will likely win a third straight term in office. But once more, the public's true sentiment won't be known until after the results are announced and the real election fever kicks in. Stay tuned for more updates in this regard.

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