Seema Haider's headlines increased the difficulties of Sachin's family...

Due to seema Haider coming to india illegally from pakistan and living with indian youth Sachin meena in Greater Noida, the family is facing problems of work, business and food. seema Haider, Sachin meena and their family are currently living in another house in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Sachin's father has written a letter to the police about the problem. According to the news of india Today, Sachin Meena's father Netrapal has written a letter to the station in-charge, in which it has been said that the family is also facing the problem of food and drink.

The letter to the station in-charge said, "Sachin and his father can now go out in search of work after informing the Rabupura police." The couple now lives in Rabupura and the entire village stands with them.

Farmer leader advised to write a letter to Sachin's father

According to the report, farmer leader master Swaraj had asked Sachin's father to write a letter to the station in-charge. National President of Bharatiya Kisan Union Lok Shakti, master Swaraj met seema and Sachin on saturday (July 29) at their new house in Rabupura, Greater Noida.

Farmer leader master Swaraj said this

The farmer leader said, I had come to meet Sachin meena and seema Haider. They have shifted to a new place but are facing problems as they are stuck in their house. Due to the long queue of media personnel outside his house, he is facing difficulties in going out and buying daily essentials. The couple told me that we are constantly on the radar of the police. The farmer leader advised the family to write a letter to the police station in-charge, so that the matter could be taken up with the higher authorities.

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