Be careful! Enough of the deception.. Be sure to pay attention to this when putting petrol and diesel, people! Mileage will increase

CHENNAI: petrol and diesel prices are currently at their peak. Due to this, everyone who uses vehicles including bikes, cars and trucks has become a heavy financial burden. It is in such an environment that we have to pay attention to the important thing while filling petrol and diesel. If this is done, one liter of petrol and diesel is likely to get more 'mileage'.

oil companies are fixing the price of petrol and diesel in india every day. This price is changed depending on the prevailing crude oil price in the international market. At present, there has been no change in the price of petrol and diesel for more than a year.

Accordingly, a liter of petrol is being sold today at Rs.102.73 in Chennai, Rs.101.94 in Bangalore, Rs.106.31 in mumbai and Rs.96.72 in Delhi. Likewise, one liter of diesel is being sold today at Rs.94.33 in Chennai, Rs.87.89 in Bangalore, Rs.94.27 in mumbai and Rs.89.62 in Delhi.

A few years ago, petrol and diesel prices were lower than the current prices. Due to this, the people who use vehicles are now facing a heavy financial burden. However, it is a matter of comfort that petrol and diesel prices have remained unchanged for the past one year.

It is in this context that an important piece of information has been revealed. That means we have never tested the quality of petrol and diesel for vehicles. Since vehicles are essential and we put petrol and diesel on a daily basis, its quality is never checked. Because of this many times we get deceived.

Apart from that, filling vehicles with low quality petrol and diesel will reduce mileage. So we all should be careful and pay attention to the quality of petrol and diesel. How to do this? Are you asking? This is a very simple matter.

That means we have to pay close attention to the petrol and diesel filling machine. In that engine, there is a display called ``Density'' next to the display that shows us the amount of petrol and diesel we fill and the price of a liter of fuel. Most people never notice this. But this is important.

This ‛Density' level indicates the quality of petrol and diesel. That is, the density of petrol is in the range of 730 to 800 Kg per Cubic Meter (Kg/m3) and in respect of diesel, the density should be in the range of 830 to 900 Kg per Cubic Meter (Kg/m3). If it has this level of density, it can be said to be quality petrol or diesel. This will also increase the mileage of the vehicles.

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On the other hand, it is said that some petrol and diesel stations are not following the 'Density' set by the government. When we fill petrol and diesel there, it reduces the mileage of our vehicles and causes us loss. Many of us may be deluded into not knowing this yet. Let go of what's gone.

On the other hand, if we go to the petrol and diesel filling station, we must look at the 'Density' display and see if the petrol and diesel we fill are of good quality. Know that. If the particular petrol or diesel is not suitable for you, then choose and use the nearby petrol stations with 'Density', people.

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