It is quite improbable that the Group-II services recruiting exam would be postponed. Some applicants who are taking the residential teacher recruitment examinations have been lobbying for the Group-II examination to be postponed due to insufficient preparation time.

The telangana Residential educational institutions Recruitment Board (TREI-RB) tests end on august 22, and the Group-II exam is set for august 29 and 30. Both candidates for teacher positions and Group-II positions contend that the one week between the two tests will not be enough time to adequately study for the Group-II exam.

The telangana State Public service Commission published a recruitment notice in december 2022 for 783 Group-II positions, and 5,51,943 applicants responded. This year, the commission also announced the exam schedule in March, allowing candidates enough time to prepare. According to TSPSC insiders, the prospects for postponing the exam at this point were particularly "bleak" because there were no other likely exam dates in the upcoming months. Eleven recruiting exams, including ones for junior lecturers and polytechnic lecturers, were planned by the commission for September.

After that, the educational facilities, particularly the schools where the Group-II test will be given, will be closed for around two weeks in order to observe the dasara holiday. Additionally, the general elections, which are anticipated to take place in november or december, would occupy the whole district administration and police, which are crucial departments for organising the recruiting examinations. The TSPSC is already having trouble locating the dates for the recruitment tests for the Group-III services and the positions of Divisional Accounts Officer.

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