Chief minister K Chandra sekhar Rao, often known as kcr, said that Telangana's statehood was only granted by congress due to pressure and need. kcr asserted during his speech to the telangana assembly that congress never fully backed the aspirations of the telangana people. kcr also spoke on political occasions that occurred when the late chief minister YS Rajasekhar reddy was in office. 

He discussed cm YS Jagan's political career, emphasizing both his break with congress and the founding of a new party. After facing opposition from congress, kcr highlighted YS Jagan's stunning victory in the kadapa parliamentary seat by a margin of over 400,000 votes. kcr used the opportunity to mockingly criticize Congress's continued political importance after 2014.

Telangana chief minister K chandrasekhar Rao made no apologies for the state's affiliation with the AIMIM party on Sunday, stating that the BRS's alliance with the Asaduddin Owaisi-led party will endure into the future and that the governing party will return to power with 7-8 more seats than it received in the 2018 assembly elections. In the wake of numerous more party MLAs joining the ruling party, BRS (formerly TRS) saw its strength rise to 101 seats in the assembly after winning 88 seats in the 2018 elections.

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