The state government suspended Dr. T. Harikrishna, the head of the telangana sports school in Hakimpet, on sunday due to allegations that he had harassed several female pupils while they were all still minors. After MLC kalvakuntla kavitha raised the matter with sports minister V. srinivas Goud, action was done.

"I was quite upset by that. Such actions should not be tolerated by the telangana administration, which is led by chief minister KCR. She tweeted on sunday morning, "I request the Hon'ble minister @VSrinivasGoud to take prompt action against the officer who is said to have harassed the girl sexually, conduct a thorough inquiry, and do justice to the victims (sic).

Goud tweeted promptly in response, "We will suspend the alleged officer. The reports of sexual harassment of females at Hakimpet sports school will be thoroughly investigated with the higher authorities, and harsh measures will be taken against the offenders. Under the leadership of cm KCR, the harassment of women in telangana state would not be tolerated. A strict response will be given to anyone responsible for such acts.

A later press release from the ministry stated that the accused officer had been suspended and that a five-person investigation team had been assembled to look into the claims and present a thorough report. He promised that those found guilty would face harsh punishment. But neither his tweet nor the statement specifically mentioned the purported official.

Sources claim that the investigation team interrogated Harikrishna about the charges for around seven hours. The investigation team included Shailaja Ramaiyer, the principal secretary (sports), and representatives from the sports department. Additionally, on the district collector's orders, the district child safety team launched a second investigation into the establishment and took statements from the employees and pupils.

Harikrishna disputed the accusations and urged an impartial investigation. He asserted that the trainees' accomplishments are proof that he and his team were able to bring about qualitative changes in their thinking. Some females spoke to the media in favour of Harikrishna and asserted that there was a plot to harm the institution's reputation. He has been looking out for us and hasn't done anything like that. In his eyes, we were his daughters. Some vested interests are propagating these rumours because he is building a positive reputation for the university, a student claimed. They also demonstrated in Harikrishna's favour on the school grounds.

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