After being trolled for her “Rakesh roshan on Moon" remark, West bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee is at it again. This time she told a rally that former prime minister Indira gandhi ‘went to the Moon’. The latest faux pas came during her address on the occasion of the foundation day anniversary of the Trinamool Chhatra Parishad (TMCP), the party’s student wing. A video clipping of Banerjee’s speech has gone viral on social media, with netizens unable to control the laughter.

“Nowadays, why anti-Modi party leaders are becoming comedians?" an X user asked. Banerjee was referring to the conversation Sharma, the first indian to go to space, had with then-Prime minister Indira Gandhi. During a conversation with an astronaut from space, the late PM had asked him, “Upar se Bharat kaisa dikhta hai aapko (How does india look like from space?)." Sharma replied, “Saare jahan se accha."

Banerjee seems to have mixed up Rakesh Sharma with Rakesh Roshan. Also, another gaffe was that she said the astronaut reached moon. However, Sharma did not go to the moon. The latest faux pas came during her address on the occasion of the foundation day anniversary of the Trinamool Chhatra Parishad (TMCP), the party’s student wing. A video clipping of Banerjee’s speech has gone viral on social media, with netizens unable to control the laughter.

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