China has added the Aksai Chin region of India's Arunachal Pradesh to one of its country's maps, External Affairs minister S. jaishankar condemned. External Affairs minister S jaishankar on tuesday condemned china for releasing an official "static map" that includes Arunachal Pradesh and the Aksai Chin region as part of its territory. minister jaishankar has condemned China's move as their routine and said adding other countries' territories to the map will not change anything.
Minister S. gave an interview to the television channel. jaishankar said china has often published maps claiming areas it does not own. "This has been their practice for a long time. Nothing will change by publishing maps with some parts of india together," he said. minister jaishankar further lashed out at china for making such absurd claims that the territories of other countries will not belong to China.
According to china Daily, China's Ministry of Natural Resources released the controversial map on monday to mark and celebrate survey and Mapping Day in Deking County, Zhejiang Province. Thus, india has often condemned china for claiming Arunachal Pradesh. Earlier, china changed the name of 11 places belonging to Arunachal Pradesh state to their liking. india also strongly criticized it.
Thus china claims Arunachal Pradesh as its territory on several occasions. india has repeatedly denied it.