Yevgeny Prigozhin, chief of the Wagner Group, has died. russia itself has confirmed this. Prigozhin was buried
on tuesday in St. Petersburg city of Russia. However, even after all the evidence, the talk of Prigozhin being
alive is being raised. The surprising thing is that such claims are being made from within russia itself. The main
reason for these claims is the old history of Prigozhin.
According to the report of Daily Mail, a Russian political analyst claims that Prigozhin is not dead yet. On
August 23, it was not Prigozhin who died in the plane crash, but his body double. He even claimed that Wagner
Chief is present in an unknown country and is roaming freely. The name of the person making this claim is Dr.
Valery Solovy. He is a well-known political analyst of Russia.
Prigozhin used body double
Dr. Valery Solovy is a former professor at the prestigious Institute of international Relations (MGIMO) in
Moscow. Russian spies and diplomats are trained in MGIMO itself. This is the reason why when Dr. Solovy
claimed that Wagner Chief was alive, everyone's eyes turned towards him. He claims that after dodging death,
Prigozhin is now preparing for revenge.
Dr Solovy alleged that Russian officials are making false claims of Prigozhin's dna confirming his death. The
plan to kill Wagner Chief has failed, because Prigozhin, not Prigozhin, but his body double was sitting in the
plane. Many pictures of Prigozhin have surfaced on social media, in which he is seen sporting a beard. In Africa
and the Middle East, he used to hide his appearance by doing this.