In contrast to the severe downpours of the previous three days, the state will continue to have mild to moderate rainfall for the next five days, according to an IMD prediction released on Friday. It said that the cyclonic circulations that had generated the intense rains had stopped. The majority of the city's areas stayed dry.

According to the TS Development and Planning Society, nizamabad saw the greatest amount of rainfall in the state at 47.5 mm. After three days, the rain may get heavier, but the IMD hasn't given any notice. Low temperatures were 21.4 degrees in nalgonda and 22 degrees in Hayathnagar. The city will have strong winds, high humidity, foggy mornings, and chilly nights.

torrential chemical foam gathered on the streets of Shirdi nagar and dharani Nagar in kukatpally on wednesday amid torrential rains that pounded the city a day earlier. Due to Tuesday's heavy rainfall, the foam had accumulated. The sewer that ran alongside the colonies, according to the locals, combined with chemical waste from the neighboring industry, and the rainwater's reaction with the chemicals created the foam. The locals were greatly inconvenienced by the foam that developed as a result of the heavy rainfall. Locals claim that last evening's visit and inspection by local body officials took happened.

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