On Friday, city police commissioner CV anand officially unveiled the 1,000 manpack sets that were recently purchased for Rs 10 crore in order to improve communication among traffic police officers. According to officials, this may be the first time a police commissionerate in the nation has purchased such a large quantity of communication sets all at once. "The work related to upgrading new communication systems will be completed shortly," C v anand remarked during his speech. The team would be able to communicate more effectively thanks to this, he said.

Dual microphones, improved receiver audio quality, scan functionality, additional battery backup, lightweight, announcement talk group facility, text messaging, integrated GPS, and certified hardware encryption for tamper-proof security are just a few of the advanced features of the new sets. These features help to ensure secure communications. With the acquisition of these sophisticated communication sets, hyderabad Police's technology advanced, according to Additional Commissioner of police (Traffic) G. Sudheer Babu.

On Friday, the telangana State Cyber Security Bureau in hyderabad hosted the Joint Cyber Crime Coordination Team's first regional meeting. The conference's daylong discussions intended to improve state actions, coordination of activities, detection, and prevention of cybercrimes among individuals and organizations. The seminar included extensive discussions on sharing best practices and intelligence, multijurisdictional assistance between governments, and new cyber trends.

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