In a letter to the Chief election Officer (CEO) on Friday, 15 september, nizamabad MP and bjp leader arvind dharmapuri claimed that hundreds of Maharashtrian voters were being registered in minority-only polling places in the bodhan constituency. In his complaint, Dharmapuri claimed that between July 20 and september 5, eight polling places had received about 4024 additional voter registration applications, the majority of whom were Muslims from Maharashtra.

In the letter, he claimed that "authorities have detected fake voter registration applications, a few of which were found to be with the address of public restrooms." There are many such fraudulent applications. The Bharat Rashtra Samithi's (BRS) Shakil Aamir Mohammed won the bodhan seat in 2019 by defeating the Congress' sudarshan Reddy Podduturi. The bodhan constituency has so far received around 11,402 voter registration applications. The majority of the aforementioned applications, according to Dharmapuri, are fraudulent and come from the Muslim community.

In his protest, he added that "it has come to our knowledge that Muslims from the neighbouring state of maharashtra are being brought to bodhan and were enrolled, already they were shown in the draught list." A Revenue Division Officer/Electrol Registration Officer was appointed to look into the matter after a complaint regarding it was submitted previously. However, Dharmapuri has requested that a special officer be assigned to oversee the new voter registration process in the bodhan constituency since "the constituency is represented by the mla of the present government" and because doing so would ensure "transparency and effectiveness".

Dharmapuri also said that due to pressure from the incumbent mla, EROs are unable to perform door-to-door surveys despite pleas. The Booth Level Officers are being pressured by the current mla and are unable to remove such bogus voters, he continued. "We have requested the ERO to conduct door-to-door verification to delete the fake voters from the draught list," he said.

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