The special session of parliament has started today. This special session, which will be held for a total of five days, will bid farewell to the old parliament building. The new parliament building is about to become operational. MPs including the prime minister addressed the conference. In that regard, madurai MP who addressed the special session to share the memory of 75 years of Parliament. S.Venkatesan said: “At this moment of commemorating the 75th anniversary of this glorious parliament, I salute all those who have contributed to the strength and prosperity of India. This is one that echoes the voice of our forefathers who enacted the Constitution... This is where jawaharlal nehru delivered a famous speech, "We make a pact with destiny" when power was transferred from the British. The excellence of this house does not depend on this building, this architecture or the engineering of this building, the excellence of this building depends on the decisions taken by this House. The principles followed in those decisions are based on philosophy.

  These were the ones that created the linguistic states, these were the ones that abolished the king's subsidy, these were the ones that created the modern temples of the public sector, created the nationalization of banks, nationalized central insurance, imposed restrictions on single entry, gave more power to local bodies, mahatma Gandhi's rural employment scheme, information The Bill of Rights was brought in. I am bound to record at this juncture that behind all these legal forms lies the enormous contribution of the Communists who fought within and outside them. There is a sentence written on the door of the parliament that says "Anyone who is oppressed may consider india as their home". What a lofty thought this nation wants to share with the world. It is a place surrounded by the memories of our ancestors who created this thought. The sessions of the constitution lasted for 1083 days and this is a house surrounded by the memories of those debates. Our forefathers who have signed the notes of the Constitution have signed in all languages. Mr. Mu has signed in English, Urdu, Hindi, sanskrit and Tamil. C. Veerabagu has signed in Tamil. Why I am saying this is because a diverse india, an india with equality for all languages is the basis of the dream of our forefathers.

These are not only the memories of the Constitution... they are full of scars of the freedom struggle. Bhagatsingh's roar reverberates throughout this hall. We are going to a new building after leaving the hall which is full of statues and images of the leaders of the liberation struggle, Annal gandhi Ambedkar Nehru. At this juncture I am obliged to note that india is being taken to a place where the memory of the constitution is removed and the image of chanakya is engraved.

What does chanakya have to do with democracy? This is a house that gave everyone the right to vote in its first general election... From this house that decided to fulfill the dream seen by many countries of the world for centuries in its first election, we are moving towards a house that holds the full image of chanakya who put the cruel philosophy of monarchy in words.

Friends, everything here is the memories of the freedom struggle, while in that building everything is the casting of legends. Where india is going is a very important question. Here they mentioned that we touched the stairs and came inside. Maybe but what are you leaving behind when you go out?   Many Prime Ministers are sitting here answering the questions of the opposition parties and participating in the debates and listening. But I am obliged to point out in this house that you are leaving the memory of someone who has not answered the questions of the opposition even once. parliament is not a new edifice and its life is based on the principles it follows and the value given to democracy. Not the hope that you will save that life.

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