Actor Pallapolu navdeep received a notification from the Gudimalkapur police asking him to appear before them and assist with a probe into a recent drug raid. Three Nigerian nationals and four other people were detained by the TSNAB and the Gudimalkapur police for allegedly possessing and selling drugs to city residents. Cocaine, ecstasy tablets, and MDMA were among the substances the police recovered from individuals operating out of Bengaluru and Hyderabad.

"We discovered during the investigation that navdeep was in communication with the drug dealers. He has received a notification requesting him to appear before the investigating officer on Saturday, according to a TSNAB representative. In the remand report given by the police in the case reported to the Gudimalkapur police station, navdeep is listed as a client. There are also reports that rakul Preet is also under the radar. She was already inquired during the last drug bust.

The actor moved for anticipatory bail in a lower court and went to the telangana High court to request orders telling the police not to arrest him. Ten other consumers in the investigation, including prominent businessmen and people connected to the movie industry, have been listed by the authorities.

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