Supreme court Senior Advocate siddharth Luthra, who is arguing on behalf of chandrababu naidu, tweeted another interesting tweet. After every night dawn comes.. Every morning brings light in our lives.''Senior supreme court advocate siddharth Luthra, who is arguing on behalf of tdp chief chandrababu naidu, who was arrested in the ap Skill Development Scam, made another interesting tweet. "After every night comes dawn.. every morning brings light to our lives" he said. Luthra's tweet gained prominence in the wake of judgments against Chandrababu Quash in custody petitions. It is known that siddharth Luthra's tweet has caused a stir in the past. Luthra shared the sayings of Sikh guru Guru Gobind Singh saying, "Despite all efforts... when you know that justice is not in sight, the right thing to do is to pick up a sword and fight."
Otherwise.. chandrababu naidu received a series of shocks on Friday. It is known that the ap high court dismissed the quash petition filed by Chandrababu. Soon Chandrababu got another big shock in the acb court. court allowed him in CID custody for 2 days. Earlier in the morning, Chandrababu Naidu's judicial remand was extended by the acb court for two more days. acb court said that they will hear arguments on Chandrababu's bail petition on Monday. The acb court also gave permission to one or two lawyers during the CID interrogation of Chandrababu. On the other hand, the acb court ordered that the videos taken during the investigation should not be released. The judge also asked the CID to give the names of the investigating officers.
On the other hand, Chandrababu asked the acb court judge to hear arguments on the bail petition. However, the acb court judge opined that it is not proper to hear the arguments on the bail petition during the hearing on the custody petition. Chandrababu's lawyers said that they will hear the arguments on this petition today. But the acb court judge refused to hear the arguments tomorrow. As a result, arguments on Chandrababu's bail petitions are likely to be heard in the acb court on Monday.