On Sunday, the People's Scientific Committee issued a report opposing the state government's decision to repeal GO 111, which had previously safeguarded the Himayatsagar and the Osmansagar. They said that the replacement for GO 111, GO 69, allowed for building on 1.32 lakh acres spread over 84 communities. The study made 15 recommendations, including abolishing GO 69 to protect the reservoirs and declaring Osmansagar and Himayatsagar as 'living persons' with rights and obligations through a law or a government decree.

The committee recommended that the government provide farmers in the GO 111 area with compensation for crop losses brought on by pollution, guarantee per capita state investment in social services for all residents in the GO 111 area by allocating specific budget, issue a GO freezing the current land in the GO 111 area, remove sources of air and water pollution and solid waste, desilt the twin reservoirs, inspect the dams of the twin reservoirs, and strengthen them to prevent any leakage.

The study made 15 recommendations, including abolishing GO 69 to protect the reservoirs and declaring Osmansagar and Himayatsagar as 'living persons' with rights and obligations through a law or a government decree.

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